Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mardi Gras Outreach - Day 2

Walking on the Carpet of Your Prayers
Day 1 is over, and oh, it was good. Heading straight to Bourbon Street and the surrounding area, we covered it in prayer, and claimed our authority in Christ. For He has given us all authority in heaven & earth. We joined a worship service with ANSWERING THE CRY, an outreach ministry also visiting New Orleans. It was a great worship and prayer service. They all prayed specifically over the IHOP Team, too.
Many people had different experiences, but one thing is for sure - God is on the move. We are His army. Lost souls are the battlefield, and the enemy is already defeated.

Going Live
Go to We have set up an online blog that we will be updating daily.You will be able to see all of our updates, and if any of you wish to share anything with us, or if God puts a word on your heart about this trip, then anyone will be able to post comments on the site that we will get that day. You do not have to have an account with in order to post comments. So feel free to share with us your thoughts or prayers!

Testimony of Tears
Alan Vaughn’s prayer at the beginning of this trip was to feel and connect with God’s heart. This was a major request for him, as he hasn’t felt at one with His heart for a long time. We’ve been here for one day, and Alan has so felt God’s heart for the people, that he has been in tears on and off this whole time. He hasn’t cried for 35 years. God will answer our requests, and when our hearts connect with His, great and mighty things will happen (Jeremiah 33:3). Ministry often happens internally before externally.

Coming Up Soon!
Today we start out strong with fish boil (not a fish fry).We also kick off the 24/7 Prayer Room, led by Peter, as well as street evangelism. We don’t completely know what the evangelism will look like, which means it’s in God’s hands!

Chuck and the Mardi Gras Team

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